Basic Neural Network


Conor Brady


April 9, 2024

Neural Network

Fig 1. Neural Network, source:
  • specific class of mathematical expressions
    • take inputs as data, the weights, mathematical expression for the forward pass (neurons doing their local calc followed by their output), followed by a loss function, where loss function tries to measure accuracy of the predictions
    • usually loss will be low when predictions are matching your targets
    • we backward the loss; use backprop to get the gradient, then we know how to tune all the parameters to decrease the loss locally
    • iterate the above many times using gradient descent
    • simply follow the gradient info and that minimized the loss
  • structure
    • composes layers of neurons, layers compose neurons, and tie outputs from one layer to the next layer
    • finally maps outputs from 2nd last layer to output layer with single neuron
forward pass: neurons compute their local state and output using the activation function
backward pass: use gradient descent to nudge values
measure loss: check computed loss function to see if loss is minimized


Fig 2. Neuron, source:
  • sum up weights and bias for each neuron
  • apply activation function to sum of weights, which clamps extremes

gradient descent

  • gradient (that we calculate with Value class) is a vector that is pointing in the direction of increased loss
    • the derivative or gradient of this neuron is negative
    • if the data value goes lower, we increase the loss
    • to minimize the loss, we need to “point” in the opposite direction of the gradient vector, so we nudge the data value by a negative of its gradient
    • modifiying each neuron’s data with a small step size in the direction of the gradient
    • then we iterate this process until loss is minimized (to some definition of minimized)
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